Tears of memories, my first song

This is just my song with Baby..

Tears of Memories

When you left me,
I'm always remind you...

You are in my dreams,
when you look at me...
You make me fly to the heaven of our emptyness love...

I'm stupid, I'm a fool
That's all because of you
I'm dying, I'm suffering
That's all because of you

My mind is thinking of you
My heart is hurting coz' you
But why my soul? always back to you?

This all my tears
This all my loneliness
This is over of our memories...

Like tears that never back to my eyes
my love will never back to you...

This all my tears of memories.

6 komentar:

  1. Yah gev..
    Biasanya ya.. lagu itu ada rimanya..
    Lagu ing juga ad rimanya lowh..
    Spertinya kesalahan u disitu deh..
    Kalo pendapat g salah ya maklum..

  2. copas dari sharleen wkwkwk

  3. eh salah. gw cuman ngira itu copas. bisnya warnanya mirip.

  4. lagunya??
    wah gev, dikataen ma deni, disangkanya u nyontek pas bikin tuh lagu..
    waduhh... menganggap remeh nih..ckckckck

  5. wew, lagu kta loe pzanq jga.. ha5..
    kizah yg menyedihkan tuh..
